
Showing posts from May, 2015

Arethusa Falls and Frankenstein Cliff- Bartlett, NH

The White Mountains region is arguably one of the most picturesque areas of New England.  Aside from the scenic mountain overlooks, this region is also known for its abundance of waterfalls.  With over a 100 waterfalls throughout the White Mountains, there are plenty on the list to explore. On Memorial Day Weekend, we drove up north (2 hrs 45 mins) from Massachusetts' south shore to Arethusa Falls, which is located in Crawford Notch State Park .  Arethusa is debated to be the tallest waterfall in New Hampshire measuring around 175 feet.  We had such a great experience at Arethusa, we would highly recommend fellow hikers to added this one to their list! The overall hike is a 5-mile loop trail, taking you through a diversity of landscapes and overlooks.  We started off on the Arethusa Falls trail and took Frankenstein Cliff on our descent down.  The Arethusa Falls trail is the easier of the two.  It is about a 1.5 mile hike to the falls on a w...

Mount Kearsarge- Warner, NH

Last weekend we took advantage of the great Northeast weather ( finally ), and did our first hike of the Spring '15 season.  We ventured up north to Warner, New Hampshire near the Sunapee region which is just around 2 hours outside of Boston.  You can get to the Mount Kearsarge trailheads from either the Winslow State Park or Rollins State Park entrances.  We chose the Rollins route which is on the southern slope of Mount Kearsarge.  The entrance fee is $4 per adult. Unique from most mountains we've hiked in New England, there is a 3.5 mile auto road from the Rollins Park entrance, to the parking area to where the trails begin.  The ride up is undoubtedly beautiful and very scenic, however we felt like we were missing out on part of our hiking experience by driving up a portion of the mountain.  We suggest once you're parked and situated, spray on bug repellent before starting the hike.  Black flies are common during the warmer months ...

Queens Botanical Garden- Flushing, NY

Nestled within New York's concrete jungle are just a handful of pockets that enclose serene, urban oases and from that second you enter, you instantly forget where you are.  Instead, you are captivated by the natural essence of these botanical gardens.  They justify the perfect escape for the busy New Yorker to take a moment for themselves and focus in on nothing else, other than the beauty that's around them. There a number of garden exhibitions throughout the triborough area that attract thousands, possibly even millions,  of people year-round such as the  New York Botanical Garden and Brooklyn Botanical Garden .  However, we happened to stumble upon a less commonly visited oasis in the heart of Queens, New York that nevertheless, showed no lack of scenery and picturesque pathways.   Queens Botanical Garden is situated in Flushing, NY and easily accessible both by car and public transportation.  The garden starts its sea...

Our Story & Live Interview with WETC

We launched Travel The East back during mid-Summer of 2014 and often we are asked the question- Why ?  Undoubtedly blogging takes considerable time and effort, but as the Oxford Dictionary  defines it- Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.  We were already spending countless weekends exploring the northeast region and beyond through our hiking/outdoor adventures and photography, so we thought- why not do more!  Matt's dad also played a role in our Travel The East inspiration story.  He's been managing not just one, but two sites for a few years now- Rhode Island Striped Bass & Rhode Island Carp Fishing !  And his success story sprung up simply from his passion for fishing.   Keeping up with Travel The East, has been more fun than work.  Having the opportunity to meet and inspire tons of new people that share similar interests through our instagram commun...